I'm an idiot. I completely forgot to post on here that our second comedy firearms video, New Targets, Part 1 is up on our YouTube channel! Enjoy!
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Info!- So I Decided To Paint My Gun, Part 2
Please dismiss my shabby and unorganized garage
Right! So in Part 1 of this article, I discussed why exactly I decided to paint my AR (TL;DR version: bored, no money) as well as why I thought I might actually be able to pull something like this off without completely ruining my perfectly good rifle (TL; DR version- I have painted models for a long time).
In this article, we'll talk about primarily about two things- the design phase and the actual painting phase. Apologies in advance, this article will likely get a bit long winded.
Phase 1: Design
When you reach the conclusion that you're going to paint up one of your own guns, devote a little time and forethought into how you want it to turn out before you go and start slinging the paint on it. Selecting a forgiving design (a single solid color or distressed paint job) versus something complicated (ATACS, tiger stripes, etc.) would be a good idea if it's your first paint job because obviously you've got a much better chance at salvaging the paint job if you kinda screw it up. If you haven't painted anything since you were in 3rd grade, it's probably not a great idea to jump into the deep end of the pool with some super intricate, four color design.
1.1 Pick a color and/ or a scheme
After you decide what kind of overall design you're looking for, you want to pick out your colors. On my first pass at this, I thought it'd be cool to do an OD green distressed design because I LOVE OD green. After black, it's like my favorite color. Naturally, me being me, I dove right in, removed the BCG, slapped a little masking tape over the ejection port and muzzle, and went to work with the spray can.
As you might imagine, I ended up with an OD green rifle that looked quite a bit like a toy rifle you'd buy your kid to play with.
I tried to save it, but it simply wasn't meant to be because in my enthusiasm for the project, I'd forgotten that I needed to think about how my colors would look on the rifle.
I went back and watched Randy Jacob's Distressed Paint Job video again to try and figure out where I'd gone wrong and upon review, it hit me like a ton of bricks- I wanted a distressed look, but painted one solid color instead of doing "blocks" of color like Randy did.
If you've watched Randy's video, you see that the actual work is pretty simple really. Basically you basecoat, mask off what you don't want painted, spray the 2nd color, then sponge on some paint in what essentially becomes stippled highlights. Simple right? What you don't see Randy do and what you maybe don't realize at the time (like I did), is that you need to think about things like contrast between your colors. This is what I referred to when I was talking about color bands.
In order to make the rifle look pleasing (to me at least), I needed to break up that one huge block of a single color. This is where the model experience took over and upon review, I realized Randy had done the same thing, either consciously from experience or subconsciously because the guy is an artist.
He used color blocks.
Looking at the above, very poorly edited image, you can see the "blocks" I'm trying to explain. Splitting the rifle you're painting into several differently colored blocks can go a long way to making it look cool. Obviously if you're going for a single color scheme (think Chris Kyle's rifle in American Sniper), don't do it like this. But for a distressed job especially, breaking the rifle into blocks and painting them two different colors works pretty effectively.
1.2 Color theory
Briefly, the colors you pick interact with each other visually as well. Changing from OD green to a gray color worked out much better for me because part of the rifle was going to remain black. Black and gray are both considered monotone colors, so they compliment each other visually. The worn parts being silver works out for the same reason. And since all of those colors are monotone, using a bright accent like yellow for the actionable parts of the rifle also complimented.
If you remember art class from when you were a kid, you probably know where I'm going next, but if not, I'll break it down for you real quick like...
Yup, that's a color wheel! I don't know a ton of color theory, but from painting models I would use a color wheel to help me develop paint schemes. It's pretty easy the way I use a color wheel. First, pick one of the colors that you want to be your main color, then move your eyes directly across the wheel to the opposite side of the wheel. That color is the complimentary color for your main. So like if you wanted to go full-on Borderlands style and do something really crazy and wanted a bright orange rifle, a good complimentary color to use for accents or other blocks would be blue. If you think about it, most sports teams use this theory too. The old L.A. Kings from the early days of their NHL franchise used purple and gold. The Islanders have almost always had some combination of blue and orange. The old New Jersey Devils wore jerseys that were red and green. You can probably think of lots of other examples.
Again, if you're going with monotone colors (black, white, any shade of gray in-between), you don't have to worry so much. Basically any color is a compliment to any monotone color.
Phase 2- The actual painting
Christ, ok. Now that I'd finally gotten all that nonsense out of the way, it was time to actually start masking off my rifle.
NOTE: I'm not a gunsmith, nor a professional painter. If you follow my suggestions and end up screwing up your rifle, that's on you because I fully admit I don't really know what I'm doing and what didn't negatively affect my rifle might totally screw yours up. So proceed at your own risk!
2.1 Environmental Conditions
Before we get into the nitty gritty of painting, I want to strongly suggest you find an area like a garage to paint inside. If you're outside, even on a calm day, you'll likely have a hard time keeping your spray from blowing around in the wind. Be sure your space is well-ventilated of course, but it really is much, much simpler to do all of the following indoors rather than out.
Secondly, if at all possible, try and do your painting and clear coating when it isn't raining or especially humid outside. This kind of thing varies greatly with what part of the world you live in of course, and painting inside a garage will definitely help, but it can be very difficult to get good results with spray paint and clear coat in humid or damp conditions because your paint/ clear coat will trap moisture on it's way out of the can and onto your rifle. The end result is you'll have a very uneven surface that you'll probably think looks like crap. You and your buddies might think it's because you bought cheap spray paint and/ or clear coat, but usually it's just because it was damp when you sprayed. If it's raining, wait and paint another day. I spent the better part of a month (check the dates on my posts) painting my rifle- not because it took a long time, but because I don't have a ton of free time and it rained a lot at the beginning of March here in Southern Indiana. Believe me, there's nothing worse than pulling off a dope-ass paint job and then subsequently ruining it by clear coating while it's raining outside.
2.1 Environmental Conditions
Before we get into the nitty gritty of painting, I want to strongly suggest you find an area like a garage to paint inside. If you're outside, even on a calm day, you'll likely have a hard time keeping your spray from blowing around in the wind. Be sure your space is well-ventilated of course, but it really is much, much simpler to do all of the following indoors rather than out.
Secondly, if at all possible, try and do your painting and clear coating when it isn't raining or especially humid outside. This kind of thing varies greatly with what part of the world you live in of course, and painting inside a garage will definitely help, but it can be very difficult to get good results with spray paint and clear coat in humid or damp conditions because your paint/ clear coat will trap moisture on it's way out of the can and onto your rifle. The end result is you'll have a very uneven surface that you'll probably think looks like crap. You and your buddies might think it's because you bought cheap spray paint and/ or clear coat, but usually it's just because it was damp when you sprayed. If it's raining, wait and paint another day. I spent the better part of a month (check the dates on my posts) painting my rifle- not because it took a long time, but because I don't have a ton of free time and it rained a lot at the beginning of March here in Southern Indiana. Believe me, there's nothing worse than pulling off a dope-ass paint job and then subsequently ruining it by clear coating while it's raining outside.
2.2 Masking
Thinking about the moving parts I wanted to try and keep away from the paint and clear coat I'd be throwing around, I removed the entire bolt carrier group and ran a couple of long strips of masking tape over the trigger and chamber from the inside. I also put a piece of tape on the inside of the ejection port and the mag well to try and prevent paint from getting up into the rifle to start with. Upon mating the upper back to the lower and closing the rifle, I closed my ejection port as well.
I taped off the end of my muzzle and then paint the entire rifle with two coats of flat black Rustoleum spray paint.
2.3 Basecoat
One tip I'd give you here is the same tip I give most folks when it comes to painting- do thin coats.
I know it's tempting to just blast the shit out of everything and get things done faster, but if you wonder why you end up with drips and streaks and stuff every time you spray paint things, you definitely want to do thinner, lighter coats. Spray paint especially doesn't take that long to dry. In most conditions, 15-20 minutes is plenty then you can spray another coat on. Keep your can moving the entire time you're spraying, stay back at least 8"-10", and resist the temptation to spray on a ton of paint in the interest of good coverage. We're not painting a wall with a roller here- don't slop a bunch of paint on and try to then even it out. Spray on light coats and if you don't get full coverage (i.e. the basecoat is bleeding through the current coat or the current coat looks kind of spotty or isn't fully opaque), let it dry then spray on another coat. Two or three coats should really be all you need, so again it's not like you're going to have to spend all day painting on extra coats. It'll also go a long way into not filling in details on the receiver stamp and anywhere else you've got letters, serrations, grip patterns and stuff like that.
I painted on a black basecoat to try and make all of the different blacks on my rifle uniform and also because paint kind of sticks different to different materials. Not painting on a basecoat is sort of asking for your rifle's final paint job to look kind of uneven, and if your rifle is like mine, you've got at least three different materials you'll be painting here- metal (upper, lower, barrel), plastic (stock), and rubber (grip). Even though you already have a black rifle, throw a coat of black paint on it to ensure the final color is even across the board.
2.4 Masking again
After the black basecoat was fully dry (grips will take the longest- rubber doesn't take paint all that well in my experience), I left the masking tape from the previous step in place and then taped off my optics' glass and the parts of the rifle that I didn't want to be painted gray.
Nothing partciularly special here about the masking tape- I just used regular painter's tape from Menard's. Use a pocket knife or flat blade screwdriver to get the tape to follow the lines on the rifle or to stick to where you want it.
Start spraying your main color on (in my case, gray) and use the guidelines I mentioned above for getting good results from spray paint- can at least 8"-10" away from the surface, thin coats, keep the can moving while painting so you don't get too much paint in one area.
After I got that side done and it fully dried, I turned it over and painted the opposite side. Once that side fully dried, I flipped it back over and put the second coat on the side I began with. Repeat these steps until you have nice, even coverage over the entire rifle. Since your rifle isn't a perfect block, you'll need to take some time to spray from different angles to ensure you get good coverage everywhere on the rifle- the front of the receiver below the barrel nut, up into the bottom of your collapsible stock, stuff like that.
2.5 Overspray
When I'd completed the main gray layer, I wanted to grimy it up a bit before I started doing the scratches. The easiest way to do that is to to do a little over spray.
Now, this is something you'd never be able to do with a model, but on something big like a rifle, it's no problem. As with the scratches steps below, the main thing is don't overdo it- a little over spray will go a long way. Two things I'd keep in mind- 1) if you're doing this under some bright light, bear in mind that when you are in more normal light, potentially your rifle is going to look much darker, so again- go easy on this step. You can always add more if you need it, but you can't really take it back off without creating a lot of work for yourself. 2) Doing this step is going to slightly darken the overall appearance of your gun. I wouldn't go so far as to pick a lighter main layer color as a result, but because of the hundreds of little black dots you're going to end up with on your rifle, it is going to appear slightly darker than it did before. Mainly the place you'll notice this is on attachments you add on later. Obviously you'll remember to paint them your main body color, but if upon attachment to the weapon you're looking at it going, "Man, why does this look so much lighter?", it's probably because you didn't over spray it. This actually happened to me with the Troy rail I stuck on there.
Over spray is what you call it when you accidentally get spray paint in areas that you didn't intend to. Usually this is a bad thing, but for this, it's actually what we want.
If you haven't already (i.e. if you been painting your rifle from a hanger), lay your rifle down on it's side. Grab the can of spray paint in the color you did your primer or basecoat (in my case, the black) or whatever color you want to grimy up your rifle with. Spray from 4'-5' above the rifle and just let the black spray droplets kind of drift down onto the rifle. Note I said four or five feet there. Like if you've got your rifle on the floor, you're going to stand above and hold the can out about chest high and spray a short (like maybe half a second long) and then just let the paint drift down onto the rifle. The droplets will dry very quickly and once they do, flip the rifle over onto the other side and over spray again. Then either balance the rifle on a mag or otherwise get it standing so you can over spray and let the paint drift down on the top of the rifle, then turn it upside down and do the same for the bottom.
2.5 Overspray
When I'd completed the main gray layer, I wanted to grimy it up a bit before I started doing the scratches. The easiest way to do that is to to do a little over spray.
Now, this is something you'd never be able to do with a model, but on something big like a rifle, it's no problem. As with the scratches steps below, the main thing is don't overdo it- a little over spray will go a long way. Two things I'd keep in mind- 1) if you're doing this under some bright light, bear in mind that when you are in more normal light, potentially your rifle is going to look much darker, so again- go easy on this step. You can always add more if you need it, but you can't really take it back off without creating a lot of work for yourself. 2) Doing this step is going to slightly darken the overall appearance of your gun. I wouldn't go so far as to pick a lighter main layer color as a result, but because of the hundreds of little black dots you're going to end up with on your rifle, it is going to appear slightly darker than it did before. Mainly the place you'll notice this is on attachments you add on later. Obviously you'll remember to paint them your main body color, but if upon attachment to the weapon you're looking at it going, "Man, why does this look so much lighter?", it's probably because you didn't over spray it. This actually happened to me with the Troy rail I stuck on there.
Over spray is what you call it when you accidentally get spray paint in areas that you didn't intend to. Usually this is a bad thing, but for this, it's actually what we want.
If you haven't already (i.e. if you been painting your rifle from a hanger), lay your rifle down on it's side. Grab the can of spray paint in the color you did your primer or basecoat (in my case, the black) or whatever color you want to grimy up your rifle with. Spray from 4'-5' above the rifle and just let the black spray droplets kind of drift down onto the rifle. Note I said four or five feet there. Like if you've got your rifle on the floor, you're going to stand above and hold the can out about chest high and spray a short (like maybe half a second long) and then just let the paint drift down onto the rifle. The droplets will dry very quickly and once they do, flip the rifle over onto the other side and over spray again. Then either balance the rifle on a mag or otherwise get it standing so you can over spray and let the paint drift down on the top of the rifle, then turn it upside down and do the same for the bottom.
2.6 Unmasking and touch-up
Once your main coat and the over spray is even, opaque, and dry, you can pull all your masking tape off (on the outside- leave the tape on the inside of the mag well opening, trigger, etc.) and for the first time imagine how your rifle is going to turn out when it's done!
In between these steps, I added a 15" rail to my carbine setup, but that's a whole other article...
Before you start distressing, you want to make sure your masking tape did it's job. If you have a little overspray where the paint got between the layers of your masking tape, or you wish you would've masked off some extra piece of your rifle, now's the time to fix it. Get a plastic container of some kind, put on some gloves if you don't want to paint your hands, and spray some of your spray paint into the container. Get an old brush and carefully touch-up what you need touched up. Allow to completely dry, check for opaqueness and blobs or drips of paint, etc.
Once you've got things all touched up, it's time to start distressing. Like picking your colors, the actual distressing is pretty easy, but if you put a little thought into things beforehand, it'll produce a much better result in the long run.
2.7 Distressing
Ok, so I wanted my rifle to look distressed and beat up through heavy use so all I did was imagine the places where a rifle would get scratched, scraped, scuffed, and dinged up if it was being carried constantly in an urban setting- namely the big, flat, areas of the rifle mainly starting from the muzzle and moving back in more or less horizontal lines and raised up parts of the rifle like the rail, shell extractor, and other parts that kind of stick out, and edges on most everything- the mag well, the stock, etc.
Since my basecoat is black, it made sense for the scrapes and dings to be black- like the gray overcoat had been scraped away to expose the original color underneath.
To make the scratches and stuff, get a sponge, paper towel, or even an old paint brush you don't mind cutting up a little. Basically you just need something that will streak paint unevenly rather than laying it on uniformly. Spray a bunch of basecoat colored paint in a container and dip your sponge, wadded up paper towel, or whatever you're using in there. Get a little of the excess paint off on a piece of scrap cardboard or something, then with a very light touch, start applying your scratches and scuffs in quick, light motions. Kind of imagine you're more scraping your sponge/ brush along the surface rather actually executing a painting stroke.
How much you distress the rifle is completely up to you. You can wear it lightly or wear it heavily. Me personally, I went rather heavy but took a lot of short breaks to let the paint dry and to kind of back off of it to evaluate so I could be sure I wasn't going to end up with something so worn out looking that it just looked like trash.
On the parts of my rifle that are metal, I also sponged on some silver spray paint using the same techniques mentioned above. I put the most wear on parts that stuck out (the BAD lever, mag well), and when I only had a little paint left on my sponge, I dabbed a bit onto areas of the lower here and there just to try and break up the black. Resist the temptation to overdo it and take a lot of breaks to stop yourself from getting on too much of a roll.
Accents pre-black wash
Once I had all of the distressing done, I was surprised at how much my mag release button, BAD lever, and charging handle had disappeared from view. While that was pretty cool from a camouflage perspective, not being a professional operator operating professionally, I thought I should do something to pick out those very important controls to help me find them easier in the event of usage during an EPO.
2.8 Accents
I picked yellow because 1) it's an EPO color, 2) it's bright, so it fulfills the want for easier to locate controls, 3) I'd already used it to paint-fill the markings on my CZ P-07 Duty, my Ruger LCR .38 Special, and CZ Scorpion Evo, and 4) I had it close at hand on the work bench. Note that the paint I used for this was some enamel Testor's model paint. Model paint is great for stuff like this because it's usually pretty thin to start with, what with it going on little model tanks and whatnot, so it's going to go on very smooth comparatively. Use an enamel rather than acrylic because it will hold up MUCH better in the long run. It's also better than using your wife's nail polish for the same reason. I've got about 500 rounds through my CZ since I filled it in and the color is just as complete and vibrant as the day I applied it. Even wearing it as my daily CCW and taking it in and out of a holster!
Accents pre-wash
If you want to do an accent color like this, just carefully brush the paint on in several coats to get things even and bright, allowing the paint to dry between steps.
2.9 Black washing
Once you've got a nice even coat, if the accent is too bright (which it probably will be), don't panic! Mix a little black spray paint with some enamel paint thinner and you'll create something akin to a paint wash. Model painters use washes as a way to add highlights and lowlights very easily to models by mixing acrylic paint with water (normally you have to actually paint on highlights and lowlights in shades lighter and darker than your main color, which as you can imagine is much more difficult and time consuming). Since the wash is much thinner than paint by itself, it tends to flow from raised up areas into cracks and crevices, which makes them darken up a bit. I did basically the same thing with my rifle. By mixing the black paint with some thinner (like probably 10:1 ratio of thinner to paint here- use very, very little paint), you'll be able to darken up your accent pieces by getting some of the wash to collect in serrations, cracks, crevices, and contours and it'll bring the color down without changing the hue much at all. If you accidentally get the mix wrong, you can always repaint the accent color if it appears too dark (wait until it's dry before you repaint) and start over again, or if you're not too far off, try brushing a little thinner directly onto the darker paint and try to get it to run while the paint is still wet. Conversely if your wash is too light, let it dry and then get a little black paint and thinner in your brush and try again.
2.10 Clear coat and final clean up
Once you've completed all these steps and your rifle looks exactly how you want it to look, it's time to clear coat to protect all this hard work!
Your masking tape on the internals should still be in place from when you started this process, but if you took it off at some point, re-apply it.
You can either hang your rifle up or just put it on it's side, but either way you're going to follow the same exact rules for clear coating your rifle as you did for spray painting it earlier- can 8"-10" away, keep the can moving, don't overdo it with thick coats. Me personally, I think it's much easier to clear coat something lying flat on a piece of cardboard, because I can see the cardboard get wet easier than I can see clear coat collecting on the object I'm painting. Takes a little more work because you have to spray from more angles, but I don't like to clear coat stuff hanging up because I almost always apply too much because it's harder to track my progress.
Once your clear coat is dry, flip it over and do the other side. I went with two coats total. After everything is completely dry, open up the upper from the lower and pull out all that masking tape you stuck in there to protect the internals. Check the rest of your rifle carefully for any other pieces of tape you might have missed. Heck, I just went ahead and lubed mine up just to be safe and to also find any other bits of tape I might have missed on the inside just to be safe.
After that, you're finally done! Enjoy your newly painted rifle!
Final result with black washed accents and clear coat
Final result with black washed accents and clear coat
Final result with black washed accents and clear coat
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Info!- Magpul Dynamics' The Art of Dynamic the Tactical Carbine
I was browsing the Closeout page of Magpul.com a couple weeks ago and saw they had The Art of the Tactical Carbine Volumes 1 and 2 as well as The Art of the Dynamic Shotgun all on closeout for less than $10. I've never had any formal carbine training, so I threw $7 at them (plus shipping) and yesterday when I arrived home from work, I found TAotTC on my doorstep.
First, it's a four disc DVD set and after watching just the first disc of the set last night, I totally feel as though I got my money's worth and then some. Costa and Haley are the instructors in the video and they walk the beginners through the paces in front of the production crew. The instruction is solid, the instructors are down to earth and well spoken, the production values are pretty high. I really felt like I got a lot out of it.
For the original $40 retail it would have been worth it, but for $7 it's a no-brainer. If they've got any left by the time you read this, I'd highly suggest you pick it up!
You can check out the trailer here on YouTube if you need something to chew on while waiting for the mail.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Info!- So I Decided to Paint My Gun, Part 1
Have you seen me?
After announcing on at least 3 separate occasions that my AR was "finally done", I found myself still itching to mess around with it. Because I'm that guy, apparently.
I don't know what it is exactly, the rest of my guns I've pretty well gotten to a point where I'm comfortable with them, then I leave them alone. But the endless possibilities provided by the AR platform... it's hard to stop. As you probably know.
In any case, I felt like doing a little something else to it, but other than replacing the M4 style handguard with some sort of rail, I couldn't really decide what.
Brief aside- I like to paint. It's sorta integral to this story. I started painting models for a miniatures war game called Warhammer 40,000 back around the time I turned 30 (holy mackerel- was that really that long ago?). I was horrible at painting when I started. I mean, like 3rd grader using finger paints bad, but I didn't give up because I found painting strangely relaxing. Then over the years, I got better as I practiced and practiced. In the end, I'm not going to win any awards for my painting ability, but I can definitely knock out stuff that I'm not ashamed to show other people.
Camel Snus can for size reference- that dude is literally 1" tall
So yeah, painting isn't something I'm particularly afraid of.
One of the things I thought might be cool would be to paint around on my guns some. I did kind of a reverse paint-fill on my CZ Scorpion Evo because the lettering is actually raised rather than recessed. It didn't turn out horribly, so then I painted some hazard stripes on the bottom of my "Uh oh", magazine to help me differentiate it from the mags I use at the range so I don't shoot anymore tracers indoors the expensive Critical Duty it's loaded with most of the time.
After touching up and sealing, the look really grew on me, so I paint-filled my CZ P-07 Duty pistol...
And my BUG (backup gun) Ruger LCR.
And those turned out pretty well too.
Not to sound stuck-up or whatever, but the paint-fills were not challenging in the slightest for me. The hazard stripes and stuff on the Scorpion really wasn't that much work either once I got over the intial "Oh my God, I hope I don't ruin this gun!", nerves and second-guessing.
That's when I decided my new challenge would be painting my AR.
I like my AR a lot. I bought an entry level and upgraded it with some new components that I like to think are PractiCool rather than TactiCool. It's pretty pragmatic without a lot of bells and whistles, but the bells and whistles that are present, are functional and extremely handy.
When my desire to paint something more challenging met my desire to do something else to my AR, I started browsing the net for rifle paint jobs.
Camo patterns of various hues and complexities presented themselves, but nothing really jumped out at me as something I wanted to try and do or emulate. I started switching out search terms, and at some point I ran across Randy Jacobs' brilliant YouTube video on painting a rifle in a post-apocalyptic scheme.
Not only do I love the beat-up, lived in look (probably from growing up a Star Wars fan) I was surprised to see that a couple of the techniques that Randy uses on his video are very similar to techniques I've used in painting my little 40k models (drybrushing and stippling, if you're keeping score at home).
So here was the challenge- to turn my AR into a post-apocalypse, Borderlands-ish, 5.56 throwin' rifle of nasty aggression.
In Part 2 I'll tell you how I did it and how it turned out!
Monday, February 15, 2016
Info!- 9mm Tracers from Polycase
If you're like me, you browse around gun shows and online retailers and you come across some special ammo or accessory or other random whatnot, and you think to yourself, "I wonder if that really works? Because man, if it did, that'd be like the dopest ever!"
So I'm going to try and review some stuff like that as we come across it.
You probably saw in our Couch video that we're using tracer ammo. Now, I'd seen YouTube videos from folks using 9mm tracer ammo here and there, but never did anyone mention where they got it other than "a dealer at a gun show", or something similarly useless. I thought using some tracer ammo would give a nice visual for the video and I was determined to find some.
There are several different kinds of 9mm tracers floating around out there. I considered the G2 tracer, but didn't go with it after I read about the technology and how it works because I thought it'd look bad on camera. Then I ran across the PolyCase Interceptor Firefly and thought I'd give it a shot- pun intended.
I ended up getting very lucky right off the bat with my first try.
At the time of writing, that box of tracers will set you back about $25 from Munire USA. Note- one, you're only getting 25 rounds rather than the standard 9mm box of 50.
Second, they are round nose. The cartridge on the left is a bog standard, Blazer 9mm round, the one on the right is a Hornady Critical Defense. In the middle is the Firefly.
Like 5.56 tracers I've purchased a gun shows, the primer end of the case is painted red to help you differentiate between your buck a piece tracers and your normal 9mm rounds.
Unlike 5.56 tracers, you don't have to let the round fly 100 yards before the tracer kicks in. If you've watched the Couch video, you know what I mean- these things are burning as soon as they leave your muzzle.
So the burning question- how did they do?
Well, the Scorpion ate them just fine, but my CZ P-07 Duty absolutely choked on one. Like lodged in the barrel and had to be pulled out with pliers choked on it. Full disclosure, it could have been the fact that we were shooting video in the rain, the gun was dirty, or whatever but that was literally the first time I've ever had any trouble with that pistol. I've fed hundreds of rounds of Remington white box, Remington UMC, Wolf steel case, Blazer, and all kinds of other stuff through there and never had any issues with failure to feed or failure to eject until I tried to shoot a few Fireflies through it. I don't know if the round I used was a little out of spec size-wise or the Duty doesn't do well with round tips or what, but like I said- I had to actually pull the unfired cartridge through the ejection port with a pair of pliers to get it unstuck from the barrel.
That said, as you know if you've seen the video, D Train and Jeffro had no issue feeding or firing it through their Glocks (cue the GLOCKS R BEST!!!!ONE!!!! guys).
The Polycase site mentions that the Firefly Interceptors are made to have less recoil, be precise, and are made of "advanced materials" to prevent fouling. The Scorpion doesn't recoil much anyway so I didn't really notice anything there (site says it's 81 grain @ 1425 fps). The bullet itself feels kinda strange- almost like it's a polymer or something. I didn't mess around with it to see, but it definitely wasn't lead or a brass jacket.
In any case, if you're on the fence about buying some. I'd say pick up a box and see if they work in your weapon of choice. If they feed and eject properly, they really are a hoot to shoot! And follow that link from us up there if you pick them up from Munire (I found no other sites had them cheaper) and maybe they'll give us a sponsorship or something.
They do have their uses as well. As you can see in the pic above, in my "Uh oh!" magazine I keep for special "Uh oh!" situations, I have Fireflies in the 20th, 26th, 28th, and 30th and the rest are Critical Duty. The idea of course being I hopefully realize I'm running low when I start seeing the tracers pop out.
Lastly, if 9mm ain't your poison, you can also buy Firefly Interceptors in .380, .40, and .45.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Our First Video is Now Up!
Yup! Our first video is finally done. You can either watch it on YouTube, or simply click on the embedded video below.
Always outsmarted, never outgunned baby! Enjoy!
We're Live!
FINALLY! After months of meetings and talking and filming and pictures and more talking, EPO Tactical is finally live!
We'll update with cool content regarding guns, gun gear, survival stuff, and of course our hilarious videos every weekday from now until... well, whenever I guess. Right guys?
Welcome to the site, feel free to browse around. More fun stuff to come.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Info!- The Four Gun Theory, Part 1- Origins
The main motivator for me getting into guns was having kids.
I know, that sounds strange right?
Ok, so back in 2009, there was a pretty good ice storm here in the tri-state. We lost power at our house for about a day and a half. The wife was at work at the hospital, so it didn't really affect her too much. I was home as it was the weekend, so I lit a bunch of candles and shut all the doors to the bedrooms and stuff and hunkered down in our bedroom with the pets. We got off relatively lucky- there were places in Kentucky that were without power for like three weeks.
All in all, no big deal. We had food and water and other than being slightly more bored than usual, life went on pretty much business as usual. I was relieved when the power came back on, but I figured if push came to shove, I could probably walk to the hospital, hell maybe even drive there, if I had to. I'm still on the right side of 40 at this point, have some decent work boots, some decently warm coats and stuff I can layer up, no big deal.
Not actually during the storm I mentioned earlier, but still bad
In 2010, we have our first kid.
In 2012, we have our second.
That first snow after we had Nolan, our youngest, I remembered the ice storm back in '09, and that's when it hits me-
I can't just walk out with these dudes. The animals? Hell, they'd be fine. I'd put down some extra food and just accept that I was going to have to clean up some poop when I got back. The boys though? No way. I could carry them, of course, but they're too little to stay warm in that kind of cold, man. Not without some kind of consequences.
So I saved up a little money and started buying little things for that kind of situation- Mountain House food, paper plates and utensils, a small folding stove, first aid kit, several cases of water, etc. I figured we'd be set up at least for a weekend without power, no problem. Even longer being here at the house with the usual array of frozen food in the freezer, canned stuff, and everything else.
Then I start thinking about those places in Kentucky that were without power for three weeks, and I start thinking about what I might be capable of doing if I had to fend for the boys for three weeks without power.
In Soviet Russia, Nagant Mosin's you!
That was when I decided to buy a gun. Not to make it easier to take other people's stuff- Christ! I'm not a monster; to defend ourselves against somebody who might try to take our stuff.
Anyway, I started trying to figure out what kind of gun I should buy- and by kind I mean like type, not brand name. An AK-47 type gun? A hand gun? Shotgun? So I start weighing all the advantages and disadvantages and came to a realization I call The Four Gun Theory.
The Four Gun Theory states that one gun in an extended power outage type situation isn't going to work for all of the varying situations. There simply isn't one Leatherman multi-tool when it comes to guns.
Basically, the Four Gun Theory breaks down like this-
- Handgun, Automatic
- Shotgun, Pump Action 12 Gauge
- Modern Sporting Rifle
- Long Range Bolt Action Rifle
Now, why did I pick those? Well, a handgun is virtually a no-brainer. Any of the popular calibers with a few spare magazines will give you a weapon capable of quite a lot of shots, it doesn't weigh much, and it's handy to have in case one of the other weapons malfunctions. With the popularity of handguns, and the fact that there are really only about three calibers you're likely to see automatics utilize (9mm, .45, .40), finding ammo after you run out probably won't be an issue.
The shotgun I picked in case somebody comes knocking on your door looking to take your stuff, or in case you need to go and scavenge. It's a short range bane to bad guys and can double as a hunting weapon if necessary. It also uses a very common ammo type, is easy for even non-gun people to use effectively in home defense or urban combat type situations, and has a wide range of ammo types available which makes it useful in several different situations.
The modern sporting rifle because it serves as a decent all-rounder in this kind of scenario. Lots of rounds in the stock magazines, hits hard enough to penetrate some forms of cover that handguns won't (think windshields, car doors, etc.), versatile with lots of accessories available, easily accurate to medium ranges, and long ranges with practice.
Ok, so I'm like six inches high, but look at that grouping at 100 yards with an open sight Mo!
The final of the Four Gun Theory guns is a long range bolt action. I include this class of weapon because they make great defensive weapons if you can get some high ground, could double as hunting weapons very easily if necessary, and even a hit not on center mass is going to do significant damage.
The next four articles I'll go more into detail about the gun types and ultimately what I picked for my specific guns and why. Bear in mind, I'm no survivalist or military expert, but I do think there's some merit to the idea of having at least these four archetypal weapons in good condition at your disposal in a bad situation like a natural disaster, extended power outage, or zombie apocalypse.
Of course, the last article in this series will tell you the flaws of the Four Gun Theory too!
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